Get your business online with a simple managed website hosting solution that takes the guesswork out of launching a website. We’ll acquire your domain (or connect your DNS), get your website set up and secured.

Managed Hosting Plans for your Website
Unite Marketing hosts client websites in a shared hosting environment and manages them so that you don’t have to! Whether you have a new website or you need a managed solution you can trust, there’s a plan that fits your business’ need.

The Starter Kit
Plan includes:
Domain Registration
Website Installation
Free SSL Certification
Free Website Transfer
Supported Programming Languages: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5 and 7, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, SSL
Supported Hosting for: Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Magento, MediWiki
Webmail Access with 1 Free Email Address
FTP Accounts
Add on / Parked Domains / Subdomains
Courtesy Website Backups
24/7/365 Monitoring
Annual Price: $350.00

The Level Up
With the Level Up hosting package, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your website is secure and being pro-actively protected from malware and hackers. Added layer of security via SiteLock.
Plan includes:
Domain Registration
Website Installation
Free SSL Certification
Free Website Transfer
Supported Programming Languages: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5 and 7, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, SSL
Supported Hosting for: Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Magento, MediWiki
Webmail Access with 1 Free Email Address
FTP Accounts
Add on / Parked Domains / Subdomains
Courtesy Website Backups
24/7/365 Security Monitoring
Annual Price: $750.00
The Unite Method.
Our team is comprised of the brightest minds in the marketing and communications space. As your business needs evolve, Unite Marketing brings the right subject matter expert to the table. Think of us as an extension of your marketing department.